December 30, 2022
Short introduction to FSI
The FSIs are indicators of the current financial health and soundness of the financial system with the objective of enhancing financial stability and limiting the likelihood of failure.
The concepts and definitions underpinning these FSIs are mainly based on the ‘The Financial Soundness Indicators Compilation Guide (Guide)’ of the IMF. These indicators have been developed by the International Monetary Fund in response to the financial market crises.
BoSS had been compiling the FSIs since March 2014 update Quarter three (3) 2022.
IMF encourages countries to publish their FSIs on a frequent basis to enhance the transparency of financial systems. To achieve this, the Bank Publishes the aggregated data on quarterly bases.
The data published are aggregated or sectorial for the purpose of supporting macroprudential analysis and indicators of financial sector.
South Sudan’s FSIs are compiled using the data submitted by the core domestic banks which play a significant role in the economy.